A callout is an anchored tip that can be used to teach people or guide them through the app without blocking them.
A callout is an anchored tip that can be used to teach people or guide them through the app without blocking them.
<div style="height:200px;"></div> <div style="display:inline;overflow-x:auto;"> <div style="width:300px"></div> <DefaultButton Text="Show Callout" OnClick=ClickHandler @ref="calloutTarget" /> <div style="width:300px"></div> </div> <div style="height:400px;"></div> @if (!calloutHidden) { <Callout FabricComponentTarget=@calloutTarget DirectionalHint=@((DirectionalHint)Enum.Parse(typeof(DirectionalHint),selectedOption?.Key!)) OnDismiss=@DismissHandler> <div Style="max-width:300px; padding:20px;"> <h2>Callout Test</h2> <p style="min-width: 150px;"> There are a few things in here. </p> <PrimaryButton Text="Ok" /> </div> </Callout> }