Panels are overlays that contain supplementary content and are used for complex creation, edit, or management experiences. For example, viewing details about an item in a list or editing settings.
Panels are overlays that contain supplementary content and are used for complex creation, edit, or management experiences. For example, viewing details about an item in a list or editing settings.
<Dropdown ItemsSource=@panelTypes MultiSelect="false" @bind-SelectedOption=@panelTypeSelected Style="width:300px;" /> <TextField @bind-Value=@customWidth Style="width:300px;" Label="Custom Width (number only! valid only when Custom panel type selected)" /> <PrimaryButton Text="Open Panel" OnClick=@Click /> <PrimaryButton Text="Open Light Dismiss Panel" OnClick=@(() => lightDismissPanelOpen=true ) /> <PrimaryButton Text="Open Custom Nav Panel" OnClick=@(() => customNavPanelOpen=true ) /> <Panel IsOpen=@isOpen OnDismiss=@PanelDismiss Type=@((PanelType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PanelType),panelTypeSelected?.Key!)) IsLightDismiss="false" CustomWidth=@customWidth HeaderText="Panel Example"> <p> Hey, there's some content in here. <TextField Description="Can I type here?" /> <BlazorFluentUI.Label>Selected: @string.Join(", ", controlledMultiSelectionResult!.Select(x => x.Text))</BlazorFluentUI.Label> <Dropdown ItemsSource=@items MultiSelect="true" Placeholder="Select options..." @bind-SelectedOptions=@controlledMultiSelectionResult Style="width:220px;" /> </p> </Panel> <Panel IsOpen=@lightDismissPanelOpen OnDismiss=@(() => lightDismissPanelOpen = !lightDismissPanelOpen) Type=@((PanelType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PanelType),panelTypeSelected?.Key!)) CustomWidth=@customWidth IsLightDismiss="true" HeaderText="Light Dismiss Panel"> <p> This is a light dismiss panel... </p> </Panel> <Panel IsOpen=@customNavPanelOpen OnDismiss=@(() => customNavPanelOpen = !customNavPanelOpen) Type=@((PanelType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PanelType),panelTypeSelected?.Key!)) CustomWidth=@customWidth IsLightDismiss="false" HeaderText="Custom Nav Panel"> <NavigationTemplate> <IconButton OnClick=@(() => customNavPanelOpen = false) IconName="navigation" /> </NavigationTemplate> <ChildContent> <p> This is a panel with a completely custom nav area (at the top)... </p> </ChildContent> </Panel>