

A good tooltip briefly describes unlabeled controls or provides a bit of additional information about labeled controls, when this is useful. It can also help customers navigate the UI by offering additional—not redundant—information about control labels, icons, and links. A tooltip should always add valuable information; use sparingly.

There are two components you can use to display a tooltip:

  • Tooltip: A styled tooltip that you can display on a chosen target.
  • TooltipHost: A wrapper that automatically shows a tooltip when the wrapped element is hovered or focused.


Default Tooltip
        <DefaultButton>Hover to see a tooltip</DefaultButton>

<TooltipHost GapSpace="10">
        Hey, look here!
        <DefaultButton>With gap</DefaultButton>

<TooltipHost IsBeakVisible="false">
        Hey, look here!
        <DefaultButton>Without beak</DefaultButton>
Tooltip wrapping inline or inline-block elements
In some cases when a TooltipHost is wrapping inline-block or inline elements, the positioning of the Tooltip may be off. In these cases, it's recommended to set the TooltipHost's{' '} display property to inline-block, as in the following example.

    In some cases when a TooltipHost is wrapping <code>inline-block</code> or <code>inline</code> elements, the
    positioning of the Tooltip may be off. In these cases, it's recommended to set the TooltipHost's{' '}
    <code>display</code> property to <code>inline-block</code>, as in the following example.
    <br />
    <br />
    <TooltipHost GapSpace="0">
            Incorrect positioning
            <button style="padding:10px;">
Hover for incorrect positioning
    <TooltipHost Style=" display: inline-block;"
            Correct positioning
            <button style="padding:10px;">
Hover for correct positioning
Tooltip with custom content
<TooltipHost Delay=TooltipDelay.Zero
             Style="display: inline-block;">
        <ul style="margin: 10px; padding: 0">
            <li>1. One</li>
            <li>2. Two</li>
        <DefaultButton Text="Hover over me" />
Tooltip with a closing delay
<TooltipHost CloseDelay="500"
             Style="display: inline-block;">
        This is the tooltip
        <DefaultButton Text="Interact with my tooltip" />
Tooltip only on overflow
This is the TooltipHost area. If the parent element's content overflows, hovering here will show a tooltip (anchored to the parent element).
This is the TooltipHost area. If the TooltipHost's content overflows, hovering here will show a tooltip (anchored to the TooltipHost).
    <Toggle Label="Force text to overflow" InlineLabel Checked=@shouldOverflow CheckedChanged="@OnOverFlowChange" />
        .example {
            margin-top: 20px;


        .parent {
            padding: 10px;
            border: 2px dashed var(--palette-NeutralTertiary);


        .overflow {
            overflow: hidden;
            text-overflow: ellipsis;
            white-space: nowrap;
            width: 200px;
    @* Example of TooltipOverflowMode.Parent *@
    <div class="example">
        <Label>Show tooltip when parent's content overflows</Label>

        @* This parent element will overflow *@
        <div class="parent @(shouldOverflow ? "overflow" : "")">
            <Label @ref=@parent>This is the parent element.</Label>
            <TooltipHost OverflowMode=TooltipOverflowMode.Parent
         Style="display: block; padding: 10px; background-color: var(--palette-ThemeLighter)">
    If the parent element's content overflows, hovering here will show a tooltip (anchored to the parent element).
    This is the TooltipHost area.

    @* Example of TooltipOverflowMode.Self *@
    <div class="example" >
        <Label>Show tooltip when TooltipHost's content overflows</Label>

        <TooltipHost OverflowMode=TooltipOverflowMode.Self
     HostClassName="@(shouldOverflow ? "overflow" : "")"
     Style="display: block; padding: 10px; background-color: var(--palette-ThemeLighter)">
This is the TooltipHost area. @contentSelf
Tooltip on absolutely-positioned element